Online Meetings Software and Services

In a company with multiple locations and team members who are remote it’s difficult to get everyone in a single room for meetings. Online video conference software allows clients and coworkers to connect via video for meetings, virtual presentations or webinars. The top online video conference programs go beyond video chat and include whiteboards as well as direct collaborative features that allow participants to interact in an online meeting as if they were face-to-face. Other useful features include calendar integrations and the ability to record video of the session to be used in the future for references.

During the process of selecting an online conference program, companies should review pricing tiers and features to ensure they are getting the most value for money. Some online video conferencing programs cost per user, while others are free. Users should also check for additional charges, such as subscriptions and storage space.

A good way to test out an online video conferencing program is to sign up to try a trial or demo. It gives users the opportunity to see how the program integrates with their preferred tools, including calendars and project management software. It’s also important to test for the stability and performance of the program. A well-performing online videoconferencing program will also have a long uptime history and a 24/7 support.

Gatheround is an online meeting software that encourages team bonding and interaction by allowing you to customize templates and icebreakers, is a program designed for online meetings. Its unique feature, member-matches groups meeting participants to foster interaction and prevent people from feeling alone or ostracized of the group.

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